No More Absentee Poetry! The Future Will Be Written!

website of writer Max G Bernard

Archive for the ‘Science Fiction’ Category

Another Place, Another Time: Five Stories

Posted by maxgbernard on June 16, 2011

Another Place, Another Time, an anthology of five of my stories, is available in Print on Amazon.

Four science fiction stories and a semi-autobiographical tale of the 1960’s. Includes: “If Only,” “Second Time Around,” “Meeting of the Minds,” “Warm Summer Night,” and “The Reader Suffers the Loss of Dostoyevsky.”

If Only… His future self told him his story would win awards. But he knew it was not to be. Not on this ordinary mundane world…

Second Time Around He sought to reach his destiny. But all these time travelers from the future kept trying to interfere. And he says: “I am not a crook, I am a …”

Meeting of the Minds The inhabitants of Mars had a serious products liability claim to pursue against a human corporation. And a new law clerk on the Interplanetary Supreme Court, assigned to help write the opinion, faces a challenging task…

Warm Summer Night Changing Weather. A man and his dog. And an encounter. In the not too distant future?

The Reader Suffers the Theft of Dostoyevsky Who stole my entire collection of Dostoyevsky’s books during a party at my home one evening forty years ago, and why? A memoir of the 1960’s.

Another Place, Another Time

Posted in Fiction, Max G. Bernard, Science Fiction, Time Travel | Leave a Comment »


Posted by maxgbernard on September 7, 2010

This is the blog/website of writer Max G. Bernard. One of my favorite rock bands, The Clash, had a logo on one of their albums with the slogan The Future Is Unwritten. I believe that was a statement of profound truth, holding hope and promise.

Note the ambiguity at the last riffs of the video below, with the thrilling unfinished last line of the refrain…  But I also know and believe that even more true is that the future WILL be written–and that we will write it.

The present? Well, Bob Dylan said it  best in Visions of Johanna: “We see this empty cage now corrode.” If our focus was on the present rather than the future, Empty Cage would be the only appropriate title for this blog.

Because fiction is a powerful tool in that endeavor, I am devoting much of my time and energy to trying to create stories that both critique the present and imagine alternative futures.

This website will include reviews and commentary on the work of other authors, as well as music, film, politics, and law, along with links to other good stuff.

I welcome your comments, criticisms, and suggestions, either posted here or sent to my email at Please feel absolutely free to link to or repost stuff from here also. Thank you!

Max G. Bernard

Posted in Bob Dylan, Fiction, General, Grateful Dead, Max G. Bernard, Music, Politics, Science Fiction, The Clash | Leave a Comment »